Photo: C & D
Australian Tropical
Reptiles & Frogs |
Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis)
They are nocturnal (active during the night)_ and arboreal (tree dwelling).
Although they are a venomous snake, their bite is normaly not dangerous to
Their bite could be serious for a young child or person with a heart condition.
Their colour ranges from a whitish-cream to reddish-brown with conspicuous red
coloured cross bands.
- These snakes live throughout the northern Australian tropics and down the eastern
coast as far as the Sydney area.
- The snakes live in rainforest rock crevices and tree hollows.
- The Brown Tree Snake preys on; small mammals, birds, eggs, nestlings and lizards.
- This is an egg-laying snake with clutches of 5 to 12 eggs being laid in one
- When fully grown, the average length of a mature snake reaches 1.5 meters but can
reach 2 meters