Photo: C & D Frith
Australian Tropical
Reptiles & Frogs |
Northern Leaf-Tailed Gecko (Phyllurus cornutus) Characteristics:
- This gecko lacks the adhering toe disks of many gecko species. Instead as an
arboreal species, it has clawed toes which would assist in climbing over rough surfaces.
. Habitat:
- This is a tree-dwelling nocturnal animal of sluggish movement and thus relies on
its camouflaged appearance to avoid detection by predators.
- They may be found in rainforests and wet sclerophyll forests beneath loose tree
bark or in tree crevices during the day and active on trees, rocks and on the forest floor
at night.
Predators include owls, rats and snakes.
Mechanisms to avoid predation:
- This gecko has developed a tail which looks like a leaf and is similar in shape
and size to that of its own head. When disturbed the gecko raises and moves its tail to
attract the predator to its tail (as opposed to its head). If the predator then grasps the
fatty tail, the gecko is able to drop it and escape.
- females lay 2 soft shelled eggs
Viewing Opportunities:
- This gecko is extremely difficult to see unless it is on a background unless it
is on a wall or light-coloured tree, where it cannot utilise the advantage of it's
camouflaged appearance.
- Can be found on the rainforest floor under fallen bark from dead tree branches.